Congratulations, the site is created successfully!

This is the default index.html, this page is automatically generated by the system

javascript"> var language = window.navigator.userLanguage || window.navigator.language; var locale = getCookie("locale"); if (locale != ""){ // location.href = "/main"; location.href = ""; }else if(language.lastIndexOf("ko", 0) == 0){ // location.href = "/main"; location.href = ""; }else if(language.lastIndexOf("ja", 0) == 0){ location.href = ""; }else{ // location.href = "/main"; location.href = ""; } function getCookie(cName) { cName = cName + '='; var cookieData = document.cookie; var start = cookieData.indexOf(cName); var cValue = ''; if(start != -1){ start += cName.length; var end = cookieData.indexOf(';', start); if(end == -1)end = cookieData.length; cValue = cookieData.substring(start, end); } return unescape(cValue); }